Access OneDrive in Excel

Data results output in Excel

Search the hierarchy of items for items matching a query. You can search within a folder hierarchy, a whole drive, or files shared with the current user. Optional settings:

  • Scope (Root or Drive) - In addition to searching for items within a drive, your app can search more broadly to include shared items. To broaden the search scope, use 'Drive'

List Children

Return a collection of Items in the children relationship of a folder or drive.

Get Item

Retrieve the metadata for an item by ID.

Drive Info

Retrieves info about the top level drive object of the authenticated user.

Add from Manager

The Dropbox Connector is available in the Connectors Manager in the top ribbon:
Manager position in main ribbon

Head over to the File Storage and install OneDrive:
Connector category in Manager window


This connector suite is open-sourced on GitHub.


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