Access Twitter v2 in Excel
What's new?
The second version of the Twitter API includes additional metadata which reflects the new Twitter functionality added in recent years. For example number of quote tweets, number of replies, and more.
- Lookup - Extract detailed statistics about one or more tweets.
- From Users - Extract a list of all tweets posted by a specific Twitter account.
- Search - Search for tweets matching a specific query.
- Mentioning users - Extract a list of all tweets mentioning a specific user.
- Lookup - Extract detailed statistics about one or more users.
- Followers - Extract a list of all users following a specific Twitter account.
- Following - Extract a list of all users a specific Twitter account follows.
- Lookup - Extract information about the relationship between two users.
- My Friendships - Extract a list of up to 100 relationships between your personal account and other users.
This connector suite is open-sourced on GitHub.
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