
Accessing config settings


SeoTools depends on it's config file SeoTools.config.xml to be in the same directory as SeoTools32/64.xll and SeoTools must have write permissions.


You can access and edit the config file from the Settings menu:
Editing the config settings


If no SeoTools.config if found, a default one is created. * You can thus reset SeoTools simply by just deleting SeoTools.config.xml.*

Debug Mode

Debug mode can be useful when building Connectors and getting better error messages.

Enable by opening SeoTools.config.xml and add DebugMode="true" to the first node. Then restart Excel.

Enabling debug mode

Disable Async

  1. Open SeoTools.Config.Xml

  2. Add the following line according to the picture below:

    Disabling async

Write Permission

If SeoTools is not allowed to write to the SeoTools directory, the config file is saved in the AppData folder.


Under About you can see where your current config file is saved:
Location of config file



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