Access GeoNames in Excel

Data results output in Excel


The GeoNames geographical database covers all countries and contains over eleven million searchable placenames.

Search Mode - Determines how you want to match locations against your query. Available modes:

  • Default
  • Exact
  • Starts With
  • Fuzzy

Country Code - Allows you to filter the results to a specific country.

Order by - Sort results by one of the following options:

  • Relevance
  • Population
  • Elevation


Add from Manager

The GeoNames Connector is available in the Connectors Manager in the top ribbon:
Manager position in main ribbon

Head over to the GEO Category and install GeoNames:
Connector category in Manager window

To use the Connector you need a GeoNames account.

  1. Register a new account.

  2. Your registered username is used as the username input in SeoTools:Paste credentials in Excel


This connector suite is open-sourced on GitHub.


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