Access Searchmetrics in Excel

Data results output in Excel

Organic Research

  • Domain Keyword Count - Number of organic keywords for a given domain.
  • Competitors in Organic Search - Competitor domains in the organic search.
  • Domain Keyword Industry Spread - Industry sector classification of a domain
  • Subdomains for Domain - Subdomains for one given domain
  • Domain Keyword Rankings - Keyword rankings for a given domain in organic search results.
  • Keyword Rankings - Rankings for a given keyword in organic search results.
  • SEO Visibility by Country - Searchmetrics SEO Visibility per country for a given URL.
  • Organic Visibility Top100 Losers - Top100 Searchmetrics Organic Visibility losers in a given country
  • Organic Visibility Top100 Winners - Top100 Organic Visibility winners in a given country
  • Organic Visibility - Searchmetrics SEO Visibility for a given URL in a given country.
  • SEO Rank for Domain - SEO visibility rank of the domain (SEORank).
  • Global Visibility for Domain - Searchmetrics SEO Worldwide Visibility for a given URL.
  • Traffic Value Last Month - Estimated paid value of organic search traffic.
  • Historic SEO Visibility - Searchmetrics SEO Visibility for a given URL in a given country in a given timeframe.

Paid Research

  • Ad Variations - Get a list of different ad variations.
  • Domain Keyword Count - Number of paid keywords for a domain in a given country.
  • Paid Keywords for Domain - Paid keywords with advertisements for a given domain.
  • Competitors in Paid Search - Competitor domains in the paid search.
  • Paid Search KPIs - Collection of paid search KPIs: paid traffic, ad budget, clicks per day, average CPC, Paid Rank.
  • Paid Visibility Rank for Domain - Searchmetrics Paid Visibility rank of the domain
  • Paid Visibility for URL - Searchmetrics Paid Visibility for a given URL and a given country.

Keyword Research

  • Info about Keyword - This call returns search-related information for a given keyword for a given country for the current month.
  • Loser-Keywords - Keywords with the highest absolute losses in organic search traffic for a given domain.
  • Losers-Keywords History - Keywords with the highest absolute losses in organic search traffic for a given domain for a given date.
  • Winner-Keywords - Keywords with the highest absolute gains in organic search traffic for a given domain.
  • Winner-Keywords History - Keywords with the highest absolute gains in organic search traffic for a given domain with access to historic data.
  • Similar Keywords - List of keywords that contain a selected keyword.

Link Research

  • Backlinks for Domain - Number of backlinks for a given domain, subdomain or URL.
  • Page Strength Lookup - Returns the Searchmetrics Page Strength (SPS) an indicator for the value of a link from the respective page.
  • Deeplink Ratio - Ratio of homepage links and deeplinks for a given domain.
  • Backlinks Count - Number of backlinks for a given domain, subdomain or URL.
  • Referring Domains Count - Number of referring domains for a given URL. Number of referring domains for a given URL (Domain popularity).
  • Referring IPs Count - Number of referring IPs for a given URL (IP popularity).
  • Linked Pages for URL - List of pages of a given URL with links from external pages.
  • Most Frequent Anchor Texts - Most frequently used link anchor texts for a given URL.

Content Research

  • Loser-URLs for Domain - Get the list of the loser urls of a given domain.
  • Winner-URLs for Domain - Get the list of the winner urls of a given domain.
  • SEO Value & Potential - Get the SEO value and the SEO value potential of a given domain.
  • Traffic Index - Get the value of traffic index and traffic index potential of a given domain.


  • Available Credits - Returns the amount of available credits for the current period.
  • Lists Projects - This call returns a complete list of all projects.

Access Token

To use the Searchmetrics Connector you need a Searchmetrics Account and an Access token:

  1. Click on "My API" under the Settings menu in the top right corner.

  2. Next, click on "create new API key" and copy the generated Accesss token.


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