Access Gmail in Excel
All Items
Use the following functions to extract the ids for each item group:
- Mails
- Threads
- Labels
When you have the ids, use this function to extract detailed statistics about items. In the example above, a formula is used to extract the latest mail sent to and from an inbox.
Have I sent/recieved?
SeoTools provides two functions to check if your account has either sent an email to, or recieved an email from a particular address. The Query parameter supports both complete email addresses or search inputs. Available filters:
- Time period
Add from Manager
The Gmail Connector is available in the Connectors Manager in the top ribbon:
Head over to the Email Category and install Gmail :
To use the Connector you need an account connected to Gmail.
The Connector is located under the Others -> Mail Category in SeoTools main ribbon. Click on Login.
Select your preferred account and click on Allow.
This connector suite is open-sourced on GitHub.
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