Get date_to_release from WhoIs

by Niels Bosma

When a domain expires some WhoIs results includes a "date to release". For swedish domains this can look like: Using the functions WhoIs and RegexpFind we can get this date in Excel using SeoTools: =RegexpFind(WhoIs("");"date_to_release:\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})";1) Using a more generic regexp we can get any field we want: =RegexpFind(WhoIs("");"registrar:\s*([^\n]*)";1)...

SeoTools 4.3 – Scrapers, Ahrefs and Adwords

by Niels Bosma

Since it took me two years to release the last version of SeoTools, I wanted to release the next one faster. This one is pumped with new features! TL;DR This release is awesome! Download latest version of SeoTools without delay! Scrapers In 4.3, I’m introducing a concept that I call Scrapers. Scrapers are written using a new XML format that allows you to easily extend SeoTools. A scrapers can given a set of parameters, fetch a web...

How to setup Tlds in SeoTools.config.xml

by Niels Bosma

I got a question in the SeoTools Community Forum on how to setup a .fr TLD in SeoTools.config.xml and decided to make a blog post about it. This post assumes some knowledge in regular expressions. If you don’t know this already, regular expression are extremely powerful and really useful when working with SEO. Start by reading An SEO’s Guide to RegEx. In SeoTools.config.xml you can add additional TLDs to support functions that use whois...

Working with regular expressions in Excel

by Niels Bosma

Regular expressions can be very useful for validating and manipulating data. Unfortunately there’s no built in support for regular expressions in Excel. You can use VBA but I think that’s a bit too messy. In my Excel plugin SeoTools, I’ve added four methods: =RegexpIsMatch(string input; string expr) Matches an input string with a regular expression and returns true if there’s a match. =RegexpFind(string input; string expr; int group) Takes a regular expression and retrieves...

Using Excel for finding available domain names

by Niels Bosma

Using a good domain name for a project can be key for a successful web project. I terms of SEO it is for example (at the moment at least) good to have the most important search phrase that you’re targeting in your domain name (read more on this. Finding available domain names is hard. And not all TLDs are equally good. In my project SeoTools (Excel extension that adds functions to your excel workbook) I’ve added two functions...